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Upcoming event
May 2024
Padula among the Sacred Places of the Archangel Michael

Padula has signed its official entry into the national network of the Sacred Places of the Archangel Michael.

The initiative, promoted by the “Studi Storici” cultural center of Olevano sul Tusciano, aims to spread devotion to St. Michael the Archangel through a network of sacred places spread across the national territory, a Michaelian league that unites different realities under the aegis of St. Michael the Archangel linked by a history of devotion, tradition and culture.

Padula, with its rich religious tradition and its fervent cult of the Saint, is thus part of this path of valorisation and promotion of the spirituality linked to San Michele.

The signing of the delivery was the culmination of a day dedicated to the theme “Padula and San Michele“, which involved faithful and local authorities, in the evocative setting of the Mother Church of San Michele Arcangelo.

To crown this important occasion, the photographic exhibition curated by Enrico Castillejo was inaugurated, who was able to capture the essence and depth of the cult of San Michele.

The photographs narrate ancient and contemporary stories linked to the cult of San Michele, highlighting his tangible presence in the daily life of the Padula community. From the solemn processions to the fervent prayers of the faithful, from the beauty of the sacred places to the testimonies of popular devotion, the exhibition offered an authentic and engaging look at the richness and variety of manifestations of faith linked to the Saint.

Present at the ceremony were Don Giuseppe Radesca, Vicar General and Parish Priest of Padula; Michela Cimino, Mayor of Padula; Caterina Di Bianco, Deputy Mayor; Almerigo Pantalone, President of the Communitas association; Giuseppe Barra, President of the Cultural Center for Historical Studies; Michele Cicatelli, Head of the National Network “The Sacred Places of the Archangel Michael” and the finalist of the IV Poetry Competition “Quis ut Deus”.

Book your visit to the Hermitage of San Michele alle Grottelle

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