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Parish of St. John the Baptist – Padula
Celebrations in honor of St. John the Baptist, Saturday 24 June 2023.
Appointment in the ancient village of San Giovanni.
“Santo Giovanni Battista parish church, united with the church of Angelo matrix church, located inside the land of the Padula, and right where if Gerone says justa the Goods of Casa Lambardo towards the south, other goods of this Church to the east, close it by means of the tramontana, via publica, and other ends: Inside the said church there is the main altar with the Image of San Giovanni there is the sacristy behind the main altar with the ornaments of that church, and chalices, by hand right towards the street there is a small bell tower with two bells: in front of the door of this church there is the Cemmeterio (cemetery) with a garden under the said church towards the south … said church has a chapel located in the place where the Door of the olive sub vocabolo S.ta Maria Peccerella, which holds the infrascribed revenue videlicet”.
General inventory of the parish churches of Padula (1666) rewritten and published by the Prof. Sacerdote Santarsenese in A. SACCO, LA CERTOSA DI PADULA, VOL.III, Rome 1914, anastatic reprint by Vittorio and Angelina Bracco, Salerno 1982, 145.
August 14th and 15th 2024, in Padula