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Choose an event or a place to visit

First, choose an event o a place to visit

Book online

Select the date from the calendar and indicate the number of people to send your booking request.

You will be contacted by our staff. Thank you.


People 1
+ -

Booking details

Fill out the form with your data to confirm your booking.

Name *
Last name *
Email *
Phone *

Booking completed

Thank you. Your booking code is {{codice}}, we have sent a summary email to the address {{email}}

Upcoming event
  - 09:00 - S.Messa - PRESENTAZIONE DEL SIGNORE - Chiesa San Clemente

The 2023/2024 Pastoral Year Program is now available

All the appointments and celebrations that will accompany us from here and for next year are available in the Calendar page. Consult the next scheduled events and always stay updated on the celebrations.

Progetto finanziato POR Campania FESR 2014/2020